Anticipation. This time of year is full of anticipation. The boys are anticipating, whether or not they will get a wii. Kevin is anticipating if he will be disappointed in the Disney Christmas Day Parade, again this year. I am anticipating my beautiful green ipod. There's anticipation all around. Will people like the presents you so painstakingly chose for them? Will the weather hold out? Yes, indeep lots of anticipation. I actually feel like I was double dipping in anticipation. For many weeks now I have anticipated this...

There it is, with much anticipation. My very own copy of the Mamma Mia movie! It was quite the drama to get it. I had to go to 2 Targets (they had a special edition I wanted.) The first Target was completely sold out of the special edition. Grrrrr. That meant I had to go to the hated mall Target, with too many Christmas shoppers. I was feeling very nervous as I waited for what seemed like 20,000 people to get on the escalator (two story Target) to get downstairs. I get on behind these two slow women-imagine all they wanted to do was talk! The nerve! So I had to, ever so patiently, wait for them to vacate the escalator. I could see the movie from the escalator-one last copy of the special edition. My stomach was rumbling in-you guessed it, anticipation. All of a sudden one of the chatty women says, "Oh, that's right Mamma Mia is out today!" Apparently, she could see it too. Inside I am screaming. I'm thinking to myself, "OK, I can take these women. I am not leaving here without my special edition. I'll run and beat them to it!" Lucky for me, they went right, and I went left, straight to the rack where I proudly grabbed my very own personal copy of Mamma Mia The Movie. The End.
Oh yes, anticipation is so sweet.

Thumbs up for my Mamma Mia movie!