My girl got a new dress.

I'm hoping you aren't thinking this is turning into a food blog, specifically junk food. Just wanted to give a shout out for my Peeps though. I may be one of the only people in the world who likes these. Do you like them? Leave a comment and let me know your feelings about Peeps. I especially enjoy the blue ones (I have a passion for blue foods), but look at those orange Peeps! Delicious! I think they go well together too.
Word for the day: Scrapbook. Guess what I did today? Yes, I did go to Target, but after that. I scrapbooked. I got a whole 2 pages done too! I guess it's going to be slow going, at least until I get in my groove.
I like to put Peeps in the microwave and watch them get REAL big.....thats about it though. Peeps are not one of my peeps.
NOPE, I don't like Peeps... you aren't going to convert me on this one... but, I had a boss who loved Peeps and those candy necklaces. But, you have to understand...he has a food palate of an 8 year old...picky 8 year's easier to remember what he likes vs. my husband!
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