Yesterday, I made a trip to Michael's. It was our scout night, and the theme for April is "dinosaurs." I went in search of dinosaur stuff. I found lots of dinosaur stuff in the dollar bin. Gotta love the dollar bin. Anyway, while on my search, I wandered around the store, just checking stuff out. Check these out...

Glow Stick flip flops!! Aren't these great? $2.99! They come with 8 sticks, and the refills are $1.99. I am going to wear these toward the end of the school year, so I don't jazzy the kids up too much. My feet will be aglow!

These are little bird cages, as opposed to big bird cages. They are for candles, but I'm thinking of making little birds out of felt or Fimo. Aren't they sweet? I don't know if I should paint them all white, or leave them as they are. All three colors will work in my living room, but I really like the way the white one looks. I don't know.

These are totally fun! I have all of these little plastic stacking flowers. I think I showed them to you. I wanted to make some small, flower, art-type pieces, using small frames. These frames are the perfect size, and I even think I like the colors of them. I could paint them, but these are fun, and would compliment the bright colors of the flowers. Plus, I think they look vintage.

I'm working on a button bracelet. I got some bracelet blanks with fewer gluing pads on them, so I can use bigger buttons. They are not glued down yet. I'm still playing.
Word for the day: Talent. Quinn brought home the permission slip for the school talent show. He was in the show last year. Remember? Go here to watch the video. This year he wants to be in it again, but with some buddies this time. Not sure what they will do. Probably some kind of singing thing. I'll keep you posted.
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