This is all I got for you today. My prettied toes. I am almost ready to meet my new class. I have a hair appointment Saturday afternoon. That should complete the process. I went for red toes. The flowers turn out better. My toes were green last time, and the white flowers turned yellow. Nice.
It was sort of back to work for me. I went to a math training this morning. We got a new math series. I piloted the series last school year, so now I am feeling like I have a really good handle on the program. I think it will be ok. I had my worries and concerns, but you know, after today, I feel like we could be really successful with this program. It's different, but change is good, right? I liked the presenter. She did a great job. I was pretty frustrated with the whining teachers that came, seemingly only so that they could complain. This school year will have many challenges, but what choice do we have? We can complain about it all year and feel sorry for ourselves, or we can put on our big girl panties and deal with it. We need to do what's best for the students who need us. That is afterall, why I became a teacher, not for the prep time, but for the students. So I am going to give it the old college try. I will do my best.
After the training I went to my school, to work in my classroom. I am mostly done! There wasn't anybody in my wing to socialize with, so I got a lot done. I'll go again tomorrow and maybe get it all done. First I think I need to take a drive into San Jose, to get a new lesson plan book. You all must be so impressed with the quality of events around here lately. A lesson plan book. Woooohooo!
Word of the Day: Amazing. The news today had a story about a girl, Jaycee Lee Dugard, who was kidnapped 18 years ago, at the age of 11. She walked into a police station yesterday, in Concord and told them who she was. She was reunited with her mother today. Amazing story, full of horrible events, but she's alive, and for one family with a missing child, closure in the best possible way. It's awesome.
Oh yeah, two more days to vote for a name for my girlie!