Saturday, June 4, 2011

It Feels Like Summer...NOT

Rain, rain, rain. Here we are, the 4th day of June, and it is STILL raining! In fact, all baseball games were canceled today. Ours is rescheduled for tomorrow. It actually worked out well though, as Quinn woke up and then promptly threw up, off and on, for a couple of hours. There was no way he was going to be able to play baseball today.
Here's Quinn, with his best friend, keeping him company. We think it was the pizza he had for dinner last night, but we really don't have any proof. By later this afternoon, he was fine.
I have a cold, so I spent the majority of the day at home. I used these supplies to get crafty.
I put glue on small parts of this paper pear (purchased in the $1.50 bin at Michael's), and then I wrapped the pear in yarn.
I am happy with the finished product. I have an apple too, and a bird. I am not sure the bird will work out, but I may yarn wrap the apple.

I also made this. It's from a paper star kit that I got at Paper Source. It was pretty easy to put together, and I like the look of it. There are other colors that still need to be made.

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