Sunday, March 7, 2010

Riley is back from the snow. He had a good time. The only problem was that he left his boots (the only shoes he took with him) outside last night. They were frozen and wet when he woke up this morning. Luckily, one of the other boys had another pair of shoes that Riley borrowed. Oh well, now he knows for next time. He seems fine, and he wasn't cold at all last night. I'm sure he'll sleep well.
You can't tell in this picture, but Riley's face is a little red from the cold and snow sun. He's becoming so independent. I love it and hate it at the same time. Does that make sense? Quinn was happy to have him home as well, they played some sort of gun thing all night, with no arguing.
Quinn came out this evening, dressed as Ash, from Pokemon. He asked me to take this picture. See his Pokemon on the counter behind him? I shot a video of him too, which you can find at the end of this post.

In between baseball practices-Quinn had practice at 10:30 until noon, and then batting cage practice from 3:30-4:25-I did a little shopping. I went to Macy's to buy two more sets of Fiesta dishes. I got orange, or rather, "tangerine." I think I will go back on Wednesday, if the sale is still going on, to get the lime green, or "lemongrass" dishes, and then I'll be done. I also stopped at Bed Bath & Beyond, and got this jewelry tree. I had wanted it before, and when I went to get it, it was sold out. I checked the internet, and it was sold out everywhere. They had another one, kind of a clear plastic, which I went to get today, but they had this one-only one-so I grabbed it and ran to line. I'm very happy with it.
Here's Quinn, future superstar. Enjoy!

Have a great Monday!

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