Monday, January 28, 2008

Well, I really wanted to post some pictures of the snow on our usually snowless hills, but I guess it was not in the cards. Truth be told, I misjudged where to take the pictures, and then I spent too long in Michael's, so either the light was bad outside, or the snow had melted-I really could not find it-I swear it was there. Oh well, bummer.

BUT there is good news to report! My fabric came from Superbuzzy, and it's really cute. Not sure what I will make with it. Maybe a cute handbag with the two mushroom prints. Oh, and the really good news is that the clothes I ordered from lepetitboutique on etsy also arrived! My blythe has new clothes-blue jean peddle pushers and a really cute top! Aren't they cute? She needs better shoes though. I'll work on that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a photo over at my photo blog: