Sunday, March 30, 2008

The yolk's on us

Riley had a project to do over spring break. He had to create a character from a book, using a blown egg. Lots of hilarity with my husband trying to blow the egg guts out. Brown eggs really don't work that well. We switched to white. After much huffing and puffing, all of the guts were out. Riley painted his egg, added a tail, a fuzzy mane and a face and ta da!

It's Aslan from the Chronicles of Narnia. Cute huh? I helped him glue the mane because it was a big old pain in the neck-ha ha ha ha.
Here's his back side. See? He's an egg. Riley did an egg-celent job! Sorry could not resist that one. He's got pom poms for legs. He also wrote a paragraph describing the characteristics of Aslan. He did a fine job on that too.

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