Thursday, July 28, 2011

A's Game

We went to the A's game on Wednesday night. It was $2 night! The tickets to the game are $2 on Wednesdays! Cool huh? Since my friend Valerie is in town, and her son is a big fan of the A's, we decided to take in a game. It was so much fun, and really an awesome game!
Quinn and his giant nachos! It was very sunshiny when we first arrived, but it didn't take long for the sun to get out of our eyes.
Kevin says there are not many baseball fields that allow you to sit directly across from home plate any longer. It was an interesting view, except we couldn't see the outfielders at all, and every ball hit, looked like a home run. There were at least 3 home runs during the game.
The A's played the Tampa Bay Rays.
The whole group in front of us left really early, so some of the boys in our group moved forward. It was funny to watch these three. I don't know what they were doing, but it was exciting and fun to them.
See the score? That's only the 6th inning too! The 4th inning was a major inning for the A's. The final score was 13-3.
Posing for a picture.
I guess Quinn was feeling very Zen here.
....I really have no idea.
Quinn's been on this Angry Birds kick lately. The iPod goes everywhere with him, and it's a constant, "Look mom, watch this..." as he makes his birds fly. Oh, he also likes Pocket God, which is one app that I really have NO idea how it works. NONE. Quinn does though. Funny boy.

7th inning stretch.

We left at the bottom of the 8th, to avoid the giant crowds getting back onto BART. It was a fun night, and a really exciting game-Giants kind of fun!!

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