Saturday, July 9, 2011

Getting Back into the Swing of Things

We have fallen right back into our normal summer routine, after vacation. It's taken the boys a little longer to adjust back to our time zone. The boys spent the night with my parents on Thursday night, so they could go to the water park with my mom on Friday. Kevin and I went to see Bad Teacher, which we both thought was really funny. Friday night Quinn went to a slumber party (and I don't think there was much slumbering going on), and then he had another birthday party to go to today. Kevin and I and Riley went to see Horrible Bosses last night, which I didn't think was appropriate for Riley, but Kevin thought it was fine. Perhaps it's a guy thing? It was a really funny movie though, appropriate or not.
These are some souvenirs I picked up in Washington DC and New York. Don't you love my Statue of Liberty Mickey Vinylmation??? I just loved the Disney Store in New York City.

We took Riley to a local Japanese Bazaar today, at the Buddhist Temple. I had the yummiest sushi for lunch, and Kevin had a teriyaki burger which he quite enjoyed, and also a beer.
Riley was super happy to hang out with his friend, who attends the church. My friend was there too, but I couldn't find her anywhere (although I did find both of her boys). We enjoyed the bazaar very much, and plan to go next year!!
I went to a bead and gem show yesterday afternoon, and these are my purchases. Everyone basically had the same things, but there were really good deals.
This was Quinn tonight, waiting for his dinner. Super sleepy from all of his partying. The cat hadn't moved from that spot all day.

Quinn changed positions. Note the cat, in the same spot. Nope, our animals are not spoiled. Not at all.

Tomorrow is the last day of our county fair. Thinking about going. It's always the same, but I don't think we went last year. Maybe. We'll see. A frozen banana sounds kinda good. Or maybe we'll go see Super 8.

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