Saturday, July 16, 2011

Where Does the Time Go?

It has been a crazy busy week. Appointments every day of this last week. Doctor appointment for Riley, Endocrinologist appointment for Quinn, dentist for both boys, orthodontist for Riley, and a cut and color for me. It seems like that's all I got done this week. The appointments were all long-well except for the ortho. It's always rush rush rush at his office. Today it was kind of low-key around here, to make up for such a busy week.
I was on Pinterest today (as I am every day), and came across the yummiest looking treat! It called for three ingredients! Pretzels, Kisses and M&M's. You put Kisses on the pretzels and heat them in the oven at 275 degrees for 3 minutes. Then you push an M&M into the melty chocolate and refrigerate. Easy peasy and oh so yummy.
Don't they even LOOK yummy? You would not believe how good these are! The boys loved them. The neighbor kid loved them. Kevin loved them. I loved them. You should rush out, get the 3 items and make them. Yum.
Last night Kevin and I went to Valley Fair Mall. Macy's was having a sale (one day!-can you hear the song?) and I got the last two sets of Fiesta dishes I wanted. These are turquoise but you can't really tell the color in this picture.
There was snuggling with Maya sometime this week. This boy sure loves this dog, and vice-versa.

I made friendship bracelets this week, for both boys, and for me. This one is mine. It has Wicked colors. There are lots of tutorials and posts for friendship bracelets all over Pinterest, and Etsy. They seem to be making a very popular comeback.

Curious about what Pinterest is? CHECK THIS OUT. Prepare to be addicted. You have to request an invitation, and that takes a day or two, but it's so worth it. It's so cool.

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