Wednesday, January 7, 2009

People are Strange

I've only been creative at school this week, and it wasn't even me so much as it was the kids. We started these ripped snowmen yesterday. They are interesting.  I guess my vision of the finished product was different than theirs. It sort of looks like Halloween meets winter snow. Many of these snowpeople have legs too.  Isn't that interesting?
Do you see that giant one?  The boy who did that worked so hard on it.  The rules were to make a snowperson, using only paper, their fingers and glue.  No scissors or pencils.  It was a challenge for them.  Many wanted to draw their circles and then rip them out.  Nope.
This one's really cute! Look at that scarf, and the hat with the buckle!

This one's my favorite though.  Look at her hair!  Oh, and eyelashes!  This student used her pencil to make decorations on the snowwoman's shirt.  Cute.  

Word for the day:  Strange.  Kinda weird day at school.  Weird things afoot in the classroom. One boy chewed on his Cheerios (at snack recess) and then tried to put them on another boy's face.  Hmmmm.  Oh and then, there were the worms.  Two boys brought them in from the field. There was much confusion as to how many worms needed to be returned outside, or if they were alive or dead. They were returned to the field-I like to think, unharmed, but I can't be certain of that.

1 comment:

Sheri said...

I "think" the worm was still alive...but, it was kinda black and curled up....sigh....Wonderful SnowPeople!!!