Sunday, January 2, 2011

Some Good Shots of 2010

We did lots of stuff in 2010. I went through all of the pictures, and came up with one for each month. Here's just some of the goings on in 2010...
January. We started the year with macworld. It was the boys first trip (oh and mine too actually) to macworld. Kevin got us all passes. It was fun to see all things mac related.
February. Quinn turned 8 and had a giant cupcake cake for his sleepover birthday party.

March. Riley turned 12 and was finally able to ride in the front seat of the car.
April. We went to Reno over Easter for some fun and relaxation. We got more than we bargained for in the form of SNOW. Lots and lots of snow! It made for a treacherous ride home, but was lots of fun.
May. We made many trips to San Francisco in 2010. This particular trip was part of a Scout outing. We had gone to the Marin Headlands. We stopped at the Golden Gate Bridge overlook, on our way home.
June. Riley's 6th grade promotion!
July. We drove to Calgary, Canada, with many stops along the way.
August. I got my iPhone 4!
September. Quinn played soccer for the first time, and kind of liked it.

October. We got to see the Giants play as part of a Scouting event. The boys got to go on the field before the game too! The Giants lost that day, but won their division the very next day, and then went on to win the World Series!!!
November. I participated in my first craft fair at the local high school. I did very well too!! Other than the blaring Christmas music (I was under THE speaker), it was a lot of fun.

December. Kevin and I went to Disney World to celebrate 15 years of marriage!

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