Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kittens and Mother's Day

It's Tuesday and there are 31 school days left in my school year. We are nearly finished with our state testing. Today we did the first part of the Math test. My little class is so funny. When we reviewed yesterday, and I reminded them to get a good night sleep for the test today, they cheered. They were so excited to take the Math test today. They did well too. They are not freaked out about the test in the least. That makes me very happy, because they are just little kids, having to take a big test. They are rockstars! We only have two sections of Math to finish, and then we get to sigh.
One of my students has kittens. Her mom brought them to school today, at the end of the day. Have you ever seen a cuter face? Oh my gosh. I wanted to take her home. Instead, my teacher friend and I got our other teacher friend to take her home.

We are working on our Mother's Day gifts. I can't show you what we are doing, but I can tell you that my sweet little class was very patient in their creativity. Stay tuned! I'll post pictures on Monday.

It's Wednesday tomorrow! I have 43 days until we get to see U2!

1 comment:

Sheri said...

so cute....I miss my kitties so much...but, i can't deal with a new pet now....but, hmmm...in Sept??? Sh...don't tell Jeff....