Monday, May 17, 2010

Pushing My Button

Back to work today. It was exhausting. The kids are all jazzied up because it's close to the end of the school year. It's really exhausting. There are other real annoyances as well. I am counting the days (22). So. Very. Tired. Must. Have. A. Vacation.

What pushes your button? Ha ha ha! I saw this big wall art button at Joann's today, and I had to have it. I went there to get supplies for Riley's Zeus costume for the 6th grade Walk Through History. I also scored a plain white sheet and a dark green pillow case at the thrift store. I am currently washing those. They will be turned into his Zeus clothing. Now all I need to find is a big piece of felt to make a lightening bolt.

Headed to see the sports medicine guy tomorrow about my arm/shoulder. Yes it still hurts. Hoping he'll have some sort of solution for me. It's one thing that is pushing my button these days. I don't have time for this pain.

Have a great Tuesday tomorrow!

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