Monday, July 6, 2009

Double Post Day!

It's your lucky day-or not! To make up for my lack of posting while on our cruise, I have decided to do some double-wide posts! The following pictures are from Juneau, Alaska, which we visited on Day 3 of our cruise. The next post is from Skagway, and that post contains my Word of the Day.
Here is the capital of Alaska, Juneau. It was kinda drizzly and cloudy when we got there.
Three heads of people, important to Alaska-oh wait, make that five!
The view of a cruise ship, docked in Juneau.
The Mt. Roberts Tramway. We didn't go up. We thought it would be foggy, and that we wouldn't be able to see anything. Our friends, also on the same cruise as us, had gone up and said they saw a lot. Oh well.

The little downtown area of Juneau.

If you want to see more Juneau pictures, GO HERE.

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