Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Endicott Arm, Day 5

Day 5 of our cruise was the most spectacular. We saw a glacier, and lots of icebergs that broke off of the glacier. I absolutely loved the colors of the icebergs: crisp white to shades of blue. They were so pretty! If you want to see the rest of the pictures from this day, GO HERE.
Doesn't this look like an otter pop? Look at the blue of this iceberg!
As we got closer to the glacier, we encountered more icebergs. I took LOTS of pictures of them as I was pretty fascinated with them.
Dawes Glacier. We were 3 miles from the glacier, but it seemed so close. I had gone to the front of the ship to get a view of the glacier, but the people were hogging the railings, and were three deep. Nobody would shift out. I was looking at the glacier between heads and shoulders, when part of it fell away (calving). It was amazing, but do you know that the dumb woman at the FRONT of the railing, missed the whole thing?! She did. She wasn't even looking at it-hogging the front, but not looking at it! Unbelievable! Served her right. I left as she was loudly complaining that she missed it. My mom taught me that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Harbor seals on an iceberg. They were everywhere! These "snacks" for killer whales were safe among the icebergs. The killer whales won't come into the area, because it's too hard for them to navigate out, so the seals are safe.

Quinn was fascinated with the hot tubs. Kevin took both boys down a couple of times. It was freezing outside, but the hot tubs and pools were nice.

Word for the Day: Cleaning. I sorted my Southern Living order, and then upon seeing all of my newly acquired items, I decided I needed to clean out my kitchen cabinets. I'm still working on that. My house is a complete mess.

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