Friday, June 11, 2010

Trophy Night!

Oh my what a crazy day! I went to school. The boys went to school. Riley had his 6th grade picnic at the water park. He had a blast. I went to a TGIF/Graduation party for a friend. I picked the boys up (Riley from Chess and Quinn from Adventure Time). I went to the grocery store. I made a pasta salad. Quinn and I took off for his team party. Kevin dropped Riley off at the Elk's Lodge for a flag retirement ceremony (the first of 3 he will attend in the next 4 days). Kevin joined Quinn and I at the team party. We had fun. Whew. No wonder I am tired.
Here's Quinn getting his trophy from Coach Dino. It was an awesome season. This coach was so great with these boys. Looking forward to next season. We are thinking Quinn will move up to the next level. Sure would love to have this coach again, but his son is too young to move up.
The party was held at another player's house. They have a big game room. The kids had a blast with the Wii, air hockey, and real standing video games. Here's Quinn protecting his goal.

At the end of the night, our trophies! Quinn's is the fire trophy-he's super excited about it, because it's gold. The other trophy is for Riley, from his Chess class. It was his last one today. The flowers are mine-my team mom flowers. I also got a gift card to Olive Garden!

As crazy busy as baseball makes our life, it's so much fun. This was a great season.

Happy Weekend everyone!

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