Saturday, April 17, 2010

We were up early this morning! Quinn had a 9 am game, and then the rest of the day was free. I took a two hour nap. I had wanted to go and do something fun, but nobody wanted to go and do something fun with me, so I opted to sleep instead. I am a tired girl. We did go out for dinner and some super fast shopping. Oh and I did sew a sock monkey for someone, but it's not quite finished. Tomorrow.
Quinn got two hits in his game today, and was even responsible for a RBI! He got the game ball. We played a team that's pretty good, but we beat them. Technically, the game was over and we had 10 runs, and the other team none. Our coach let the other team have a last bat. They managed to score 8 runs. There was no way they could have won either way, but the other coach seemed appreciative. At least it isn't on the boards as a slaughter. Quinn got the game ball. He was thrilled.
See that little body in the short stop position? That's Quinn. He's actually playing three positions, short, 2nd and field! Several boys had to go potty at the same time. LOL.
My passenger yesterday. It's still weird to have him climb into the front seat.

This is Quinn before the talent show yesterday. I think this is the cutest picture!

1 comment:

Teri said...

I remember when (years ago) my nephew played soccer. If the kids weren't laying on their backs looking at the sky, they were all yelling, "I need to go potty!"

Love all the game pix. Play ball!