Friday, September 11, 2009

Fabulous Friday!

It's Finally Friday! Fridays are the best days ever! It was a busy week, but next week proves to be even busier. Meetings after school, Back to School Night, oral surgeon consult, Scouts, eye appointments (3 hours down the drain, EVERY time), and a b-day party. Oh, and it's our first full week of school. Well, at least I don't have yard duty next week. Anyway, we are all happy that it's Friday. Riley is camping, and Quinn, Kevin and I are here. We went to dinner. Quinn missed Riley. Quinn played the Wii-he had it all to himself! He was very sweaty. Quinn missed Riley some more.
I took this picture tonight, after the lunchbox drama of last night. We put the boys to bed. I then went in search of backpacks and lunchboxes (why is it they are never in the same place?). I couldn't find Quinn's, so I asked him where it was. He said it was in his backpack (but it wasn't). I told him he probably left it at school. I closed the door. A little while later, a very UPSET Quinn emerges. He was beside himself with worry for his beloved lunchbox. He was sure he put it in his backpack. The poor guy cried himself to sleep. As you can tell, by the happy picture above, the lunchbox was found. Where you ask??? At school, where he left it, and where his very smart mother told him it would be. Do you think it's unhealthy that he has such a love for this lunchbox? "It's Mario Kart," he tells me. Ack! What do I know?
Look what I found at the Target I don't like as much! They are not the holiday version-although Target is slowly putting the Halloween candy out, but it's mostly chocolate. I also wanted some Junior Mints, but they only had a giant box of Junior Mints, and that just seemed wrong to me, because "it is a JUNIOR mint." We all know "those can be very refreshing." I am quoting from Seinfeld. Do you remember that episode? The Junior Mint falls into the guy as they operate. Funny.

And, to end the night, just feast your eyes on that sunset. It was another warm day, so another beautiful sunset.

Word of the Day: Margarita! I went to Chevy's with some teacher friends after school today, and had the yummiest sour apple margarita. I highly recommend it.


Just Joey said...

HEY!! I want to get margaritas with your guys sometime!!! :)

Just Joey said...

I mean you guys