Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Ghost in Us

I did some more shopping today. What I didn't tell you yesterday, is that the whole reason we went out last night, was so that I could go to Victoria Secret for some undies. I hit two of them last night-the lame ass one at my pathetic mall, and another in Milpitas. I could not find the undies I desired. I was pretty miffed about it too. It really should not be so hard to purchase underwear. So today, I set my sights on Valley Fair in Santa Clara. Oh how I love Valley Fair. They always deliver. They had my undies. All is well with the world. While I was out, I went to Beverly's in San Jose. They have material and craft stuff. They were having a sale on fat quarters. I went a little crazy.
Here are the fat quarters I purchased. Oh, and if you were wanting to see my underwear, well you won't. I did not take a picture of those. I know how things go on the internet. Some things are best left un-photographed. I did take a picture of the pantless mannequins in Nordstrom, but as you can see, I didn't even include them.
We went to dinner at Chili's. Right next door is where they are setting up for the ghost house. They use this old house. It's such a cool house. Every year the Candlelighter's come in and turn it into a spooky, scary ghost house.
Quinn the lil' rapper.

Proof that we do have two children. Quinn picked out his own outfit, by the way.

Word of the Day: Sick. I am sick of the heat. I want it to rain. I want cold weather.

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