Thursday, October 22, 2009

In The Mail

Friday Foto Fiesta! I am playing along with Candid Carrie. Go to her site, and check it out! I chose two official photos, they are the first two on this post, although there are four total. I think these two pictures depict the personalities of my boys, almost perfectly, and I love both pictures. Oh and I love both boys. Let's take a look...
Quinn. Outgoing and spunky. He loves an audience. He's also got lots of style. He loves to talk, and he does a great impression of Michael Jackson. I love him to pieces.
Riley. Quiet and sensitive. A thinker. He's got a great heart. He LOVES to read, and loves books about random things/facts. I love him to pieces.

Oh these, they are not my boys, but they were both in my mailbox today! Catalogs! CB2 and Crate & Barrel. Full of yummy Christmas goodness. I have to say, I am ready for Christmas!

One cat. Happy to be home. He is eating up all of this attention. Silly boy. Where was he for two weeks? I guess we'll never know.

Word of the Day: Survivor. I was sad to see Russell have to leave Survivor tonight. I hope they will invite him back for the All Stars game.


debi9kids said...

Your boys look just adorable and I LOVE how obviously different they appear to be :)

Happy Friday!

Susie said...

The pictures do paint a great picture of their spirit, don't they? You have a wonderful family:-) said...

Interesting that you mention Survivor. I'm not a big fan of the show, but I decided to watch last night's episode since I had heard something bizarre would happen. It was tough to watch Russell S. faint and have all kinds of problems. I predict he'll be allowed to compete on a future season of Survivor, just like Robert from Hell's Kitchen was permitted to compete on two seasons of that show.