Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Glasses!

What a weird day. I went back to work. The kids were loopy. Listening was a huge challenge today. It was strange. I'm not sure if it's because they were with a sub yesterday, and were happy to have me back, or if they were not happy to have me back. They did very well for the sub yesterday. They earned stickers for their loveliness. I think the weather had something to do with it, or else we are going to have an earthquake. It was really humid today-so not California. It's still warm, and it's 9:20 pm. Weird. Oh and Riley stayed home again today, but really, he could have gone to school. He was nervous about having to talk (I guess it bothers him to talk, with the stitches), and what he was going to eat. He had some veggie soup (minus most of the veggies) for dinner tonight. Quinn came home early from school. He had a bad headache, but no fever. Kevin brought him home around noon, gave him Tylenol, and he was good to go for the rest of the day. I'm thinking it may be related to his new glasses, and the new prescription. Speaking of new glasses, check it out....

Quinn's new glasses. He picked them out himself. He likes that they are black. Oh and can you see his very loose front tooth? He's been wiggling it like crazy. We have had quite the tooth week this week.

Word of the Day: Shake! Today, all over California, people participated in the California Shakedown. Saturday is the 20th anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake. Today there were earthquake drills, and people talked about getting their emergency packs together. We have one buried in the garage somewhere. Our school had an earthquake drill to participate. It was kind of funny though, because our principal came on and said "we are having an earthquake" and all of the kids looked at me in horror. I quickly said, "Do you feel any shaking? No. It's just practice." We got under the desks (silliness ensues), and remained until "the shaking has stopped." It's good to be prepared, but I so pray that if we have to have a giant earthquake, that it is after school, when I am home with my own family. If it were to happen during the school day, I am required to stay with my students. Don't worry though, we have a plan for the retrieval of my personal children. Scary though huh?

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