Thursday, April 2, 2009

Size Isn't Everything, But It's Something

I know, I know you see another food product. Really, I do not eat all the time. I just have my likes. Anyway, this is just something I feel I need to share with you. If you have not tried these 100 calorie packs yet, there's just a little something you should know.
I purchased these, because I am watching my calories. They looked kind of yummy. I'm not a huge muffin fan in general (past pregnancy issue involving me throwing up. TMI?), but these reminded me of those chocolate cupcakes we all ate as kids. You know the ones, chocolate with a kind of hard chocolate frosting and a white squiggle down the middle. I believe they still make them-oh, and they even have 100 Calorie packs. Anyway, I was feeling nostalgic, so I bought them. Things are not quite as they seem...

Um, they are quite tiny. More like "bites" than muffins. So if you were expecting a full size muffin, as I was, you will be a little surprised. I guess I was thinking they were the regular size, but maybe made from some hidden, low calorie recipe. Nope. Same recipe, tiny portion. Oh well, they are still pretty yummy, but if you are looking to fill your belly on these, you better eat all 6 packs! Just so you know.

Word for the day: Windy. Another blowy day. I hate the wind, it pisses me off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are tiny.. I got the little brownie bites..they are itsy bitsy but...satisy my chocolate craving. The muffins are cute :)